Company structure

Our parent company EXCELLENCE INTERNATIONAL, has five big parts which include a hardware manufacturing, machinery equipment, lighting fixture manufacturing, chemical, and an import/export.

Under the hardware manufacturing, we have five categories: door and window hardware manufacturing, automobile hardware accessories manufacturing, mechanical equipment hardware accessories manufacturing, household hardware manufacturing, and small household appliance manufacturing.

Under the machinery equipment, we offer a wide range of products such as lathe machinery equipment, lifting equipment, ship power equipment, and automobile manufacturing equipment.

Under the lighting fixture manufacturing, we have four categories: light source manufacturing, household decorative lighting fixture manufacturing, industrial lighting fixture manufacturing, and municipal lighting fixture manufacturing.

Under the chemical, we manufacture laundry detergent, kitchen cleaning agents, disinfectants, and cosmetics.

Under the import/export, we engage in general international trade, material processing trade, OEM trade, overseas market development, overseas projects, and overseas bidding.

Please refer to the following production enterprise structure chart for a better understanding:

[Insert production enterprise structure chart]